Tuesday, November 4, 2014

AP Language: Question 3 "Television"



     Maybe Darwin's Theory might end up happening after all: an evolutionary development of man, but the sudden destabilization and step back of improvement, into the return of becoming less than of man's expectations due to modernistic values. A futuristic, innovative technology such as the television has slowly retracted the purpose and definition of innovation due to the reluctance of the component becoming a weapon of mass destruction which relies on the death of individuality. While our screens became larger and wider, our brains have rotted and narrowed to minimal membranes which feeds on the influence of a talking box. Barbara Ehrenreich writes about the pessimistic view in the "garage" found on television in a passage from her writing, "The Worst Years of Our Lives" Let's first get in depth with what television is all about; is the television screen truly "dangerous"?

     Civilizations centuries before now would be in awe at the sigh of where man has taken technology, but is this step-forward in technology a step-back into mankind's evolutionary development? Ehrenreich states that "...you will never see people watching television (within the screen). This excerpt does not exactly portray a comparison to literal terms, but expands in the form of understanding how significant the TV affects people and the daily lives of these viewers. This is where the media industries feed on the lack of action and creativity humans have today and even back when the development of such devices were being processed, "Modern people, i.e, couch potatoes, do nothing that is even shown...(it is either dangerous or would involve getting off the couch)" The author is simply saying the reason why the world watches television or why it is so drawn to the lucid effects it has is due to the fact that it brings an entertainment beyond our reach, for example, skydiving, gun fights, etc. By using the television to become a significance in the American household, with the poison of fictional/ideologies in the actual screen, society becomes a unit enthralled by manipulation; it makes people feel as if they are being included in these events or create a sense of adventure without actually having it. Is Barbara Ehrenreich telling the truth? Let's analyze why and how.

     The author, as a woman antagonized by modernistic priorities, asks the audience "So why do you keep watching?" This dignifies the importance the audience has on her writing to be able to reach her message into your mind. The television is just as dangerous as the author portrays it to be. While is not in the sense of danger whereas the audience are physically harmed, but are mentally and subliminally harmed. TV has become a priority in which we believe can relieve stress and cause ecstasy, while it is truly an object built to manipulate and persuade viewers by having such closed, naive minds to be a benefactor to businesses and regurgitate the interests of a blinded humanity. The author's ideals seem to perceive truth because it is a difficult theory to obligate corruption in your society, but it must be done to open minds to knowledge which can perhaps challenge the works of the media puppeteers. Going back to her question, it remains a mystery how bizarre a set of people can be so easily altered mentally through the works of commercialism and capitalism through a society enriched with beneficiaries and wealth. The direction in which the essay turns to is a deeper meaning to how a person or a community of people can relatively open their eyes to see the media being native to themselves.

     We have gone through war and violence, witnessing bloodshed and corruption toward our country, but the television is a form of weaponry because it lives in our lives everyday either supporting the puppetry through feeding within these shells of control or fighting the media to prevent anymore illicit behavior found in swaying society as a whole. The television withholds a power over us' a sense of involvement and neediness that is sugar coated to look and feel harmless. The television is a world in which is portrayed in a fictional, adventurous way used to direct the audience to become a generation of slaves of their own materialism and fascism. The only true way of fighting the industries and understanding its setbacks requires us to listen to people like Ehrenreich to reveal disillusionment and crooked values of our culture because this trait of analyzation can be the reason our civilization ends in the hands of the enslavement of the people by the media, ot the fact we, as a society, can challenge and fight for our world to become honorable and dignified.

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