Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Steel on JFK: Question 2

J.F.K and the Steel Industry 

     In various situations in which persuasion and convincing arguments came to hand, rhetorical strategies and reason become a man's best friend. In 1962, America had almost reached rock bottom when the economy of the country began to fall. But within the specs of ash and dust, Americas began to reunite itself to being whole again. Through the dim light shining through struggle, one particular event held the U.S on a thread; the steel industry began to raise prices for the sake of selfish greed and power. Let's evaluate the person who fought against this disillusionment: John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

     Of all the Americans who sought to seize the existence of corruption, there was John Fitzgeral Kennedy. Although he himself made mistakes during presidency, one of his iconic attemps to save the country was to antagonize steel companies whom were raising product prices. "If the rise in the cost of steel is imitated by the rest of the industry, instead of rescinded, it would increase the cost of homes, autos..." J.F.K shows evidence of using intellectual persuasion into his speech: by including the lives of the citizens. His usage of involving people was an advantage of using emotional appeal to engage readers and the audience. Another strong use of rhetorical strategies had been the technique of reinstating the many lives and occupations that would be affected by the many issues burdened upon the nation, using symptahy and contemporary connection (1962) to how the world is and will be without the fighting of raising prices. Let's also look at some of the comaprisions and supporting evidence that J.F.K uses to state the issue; with such a long sppech, he ought to catch the attention of at least some. 

     Though Mr. Kennedy's intentions were to heavily affect the audience and industries who has interefered with politics, the speece itself reinterates a noble usage of rhetorical strategies and appeals to connect fact and emotion to come into play, while also using the truth and statistics to back up his main argument. Using present events such as confliction in the Vietnam/Cold War, Kennedy emits an argument revolviing around the pain and trouble found already in such a large controversory of war, and having steeling being raised financially can affect the country's money, which was immensly needed at the time. "...a few gigantic corporations have devided to increase prices in ruthless disregard of their public responsibilites." This method was one in which the speaker analyzed the audience to be victims of the industry, too, and that the industries also have targeted the U.S Government. This causes the audience, or reader, to have the desire to want and anticipate this particular issue. 

    Other than his involvement in the Cold War and a beautiful, blonde vixen, John F. Kennedy is recognized to one of his manipulative quotes stating: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." This quote is essentially a clever, stealthy way to use rhetoric strategies against the community. John Kennedy might have been one of the smartest presidents and iconic leaders this world has seen due to the fact that he has used rhetorical strategies and intellectual manipulation to be able to persuade, evaluate, and hide information from his viewers. Was the president a bad one? I am not one to judge, but as a writer, I can tell his skill and knowledge has amplified his ability to lead and control a country.

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