Wednesday, January 28, 2015

'The Interview' and North Korea Controversy

Two Comedians and a Notorious Nation

'The Interview' and North Korea

     It has become one of the most controversial events of our time; an event that is ridiculously mixed with the ingredients of humor, entertainment, action, and realistic violence. The movie "The Interview" became a world wide sensation in the sense of shame, foolishness, and comedy, to slowly churn the political and societal views into thinking of something much greater; a movie that contained an explosion of deeper meaning and generated a message of battle. It is not rocket science that this opening of such a film has caused controversy and talk about the birth of what created the idea; had both idiotic actor/directors go over their heads and crossed a line? What had been the primary derivative to such a form of entertainment or even, had it been in purpose for entertainment? Here is a sort of review, criticism, and essay hoping to portray the whole ideals in my own words. Had this movie been purposely used to infiltrate nationalistic rivalry, was it plain stupidity, was it a mix? Let's first clarify the plot line in the "The Interview".

     James Franco and Seth Rogen bring you "The Interview", a movie that will be notably one of the most important and significant films in their careers not only due to its laughs and rating, but the fire that it has caused not only in the entertainment business of movies, but the fire that has been sparked into political and deeper distress. Both Franco and Rogen commonly appear in movies such as "Pineapple Express" or shows such as "Freaks and Geeks", presumably what gives their names an entitlement of general stupidity, hilarity, and laughter. Both actors have revolved their lives around the world of the media, being seen all throughout funny movies, TV shows, and the social media. Arguably, the movie had been quite funny, in my opinion. With these two collaborating once again for such a highly criticized movie, there is no doubt that the movie contained incredibly dumb scenes and vulgarity, but what made this movie full of impact was its blunt, yet subliminal meaning to showing viewers of the horrors of North Korea and its issues,

     "The Interview", after watching, is an extremely sensitive scenario that caught not only my eye, but nations all around the world. The destruction had been maximum, but the actions were minimal; the movie was your average comedy with vulgar scenes, nudity, racism, and all the other things founded in their past movies. The movie did not fall short of any sort of vague scenes because all throughout, it had been funny, live, and action-packed. Aside from all the stupid jokes were the strongly horrid elements of betrayal, corruption, and deception when the plot begins to unravel. One of the protagonists of the story, Dave Skylark, a popular TV host, begins to get emotionally close to the dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. This brings up the strength of comedy within the plot because it causes many to think and feel as if the movie had been created to target realistic events against North Korea. As Franco's character is deceived to believing that Kim Jong Un's nation is under control and very underestimated, you begin to realize the significance of such a film. The dictator in the film simply juiced the main character's wants and desires through the power of materialistic and vulgar components such as women, money, strength, and power; Dave had been so easily blinded by the materialistic and fake side of the dictator, that he did not remember that he was dealing with such an extraordinary character of intelligence and manipulative behaviors. Dave dances with the devil and does not even realize it. He sees the evil in his soul when it comes down shame upon his name; a dinner with all the generals and Dave finds a screaming, violent dictator at his side. Bewildered and shocked, Dave leaves the room for some air, and finds himself in a cold world that was falsely an illusion created to make North Korea look sustainable and stable. A simple civilization idea such as the grocery store was set to deceive others outside of the store to think there is a store full of stock, but it was an illusion created with fake fruit and a background. Riled by rage and the feelings of betrayal, Dave confronts him on the important "Interview" that they had planned with the dictator; instead of talking of potato yields and irrelevant topics, Dave realizes the importance of the confrontation which will conspire a whole world of understanding that Kim Jong Un and his reign of power deserves to be treated not as divine, but of vulnerability to a mortal being.

      It dawned on me that it had been apparent to the fact that the movie did indeed become a weapon of some sort, but only to some. To many, it is a harmless, comedic film created by two hilarious actors, but to others, it is a message that is being sent to nations all over the world; that possibly we are now reacting against the Anti-American ideology found in North Korea. The movie infiltrates a very sensitive subject in realism of the rivalry, militarism, and manipulation found within North Korea's short-term historical impact. It seems vile to perceive this movie as simply another B-rated movie; its oblivious irony seems almost transparent compared to the heavy laughter of stupidity, which makes the movie and concept funnier than it is because the truth is right in front of us, but with the sprinkling of comedy and funny faces, the truth is hidden in plain sight.


The reality of the general idea is that while the movie can contain fictional basis of information, it uses comedy to cause a layer of fictional belief on such a malice truth. A viewer ignorant to what is truly happening in North Korea can withdraw a large sum of knowledge through the film. One could not even tell if what was happening in the movie was a reflection of truth into realism; such as the assumed idea that the dictator withheld such power of non-human abilities (like the lack of need to use the bathroom or to obtain an anus). 

Heading home, realizing how controversial such a film can be, the viewer can take his in-depth entertainment into another level of understand, knowledge, and compensation for the lack of information known to such a society. It seems society paints pictures of different areas and environments that will already have an embedded theme to it, for example, South Central to be the home of the colored community and criminal activity, or Africa as a home of poverty and famine. It might never occur to some that an Asian country, specifically places such as North Korea, can contain so much hate, falter, and illicit manipulation to be main ideals to leading a land. 

It is not prejudice or racism that builds the argument, but within the limits of an unknowing student who pursues disbelief and tries to evaluate his/her own contrary perception. It can become baffling, startling, and shocking to know that the dictatorship of the country created such a large issue without getting too much spotlight on it. In some ways, it can be viewed as the Holocaust, but of a man's own blood. Hitler, a man of fearlessness, manipulative ideals, and violent ordeals, seems to weigh off the standards of the Kim family. The Germans simply blamed others for the falling of their own community, willing to use nationalism and pride to fight other countries to power. Unlike the Germans, who in very peculiar ways seem to grasp a figure of basic human thinking, the North Korean dictatorship and its ideology of power seems rather macabre; a society solely built on disillusionment, fascism, aggression, and fear. The Germans did not reign abuse or violence AGAINST their own people, but to others who they believed deserved it. The Kim family will exterminate, starve, and mutilate their own people to simply prove that they are willing of such power and incredibly insane reputation. While the Germans have no right to be called "better" than another society, seeing as they have exterminated millions, the North Koreans are a different breed of evil. 

North Korea, in how I perceive societies to be, will be one of the most sadistic and brutal countries of all time. Their country runs on such a confusing mentality of how power should be held and forced upon. Due to the 1950s Korean War, North Koreans have always viewed America as one of the only targets upon the Earth, yet they reign their attacks amongst themselves. Dating back to the Japanese American rivalry, we can reflect the act of the Koreans to the Japanese air-force who had committed the act of "kamikaze". Culturally, these two nations share an ideal that will carry throughout generations of humanity: pride. The Japanese used the method Kamikaze in order to fight the heavily industrialized America for the sake of pride and patriotism to not their country, but to their blood. Kim Jong Un does not seem to purposely kill his own people, but also does not seem to care much because it shows his relentlessness; his hate, his madness, and his divinity against the world. He is viewed as a God; a man who knows no boundary, a man who is pinned upon every room, and a man who has brainwashed his entire population.

Now this is the problem and where we as common people can become heroes of our time: we must simply know and strive for the knowledge of our world. It is simple, but hard. With all the materialism and affluenza that just dictates our world as metropolitan Americans, we forget that our life has been in bubbles. This bubble of American protection subsides the reality of the outside world; a world of poverty, famine, disease, and death. Because we Americans are so ignorant and oblivious, the best action is to just understand and remain determined to pursue knowledge that is outside our own jurisdiction. By understanding all the flaws and problems, we can use the power of our voices to fight the fight that no rifle can fight---that no tank or airplane can explode. In my own perspective, my goal would to be in depth with the issues of the world such as this one. We read our history books and think these wars and battles only occurred outside of our comfort zones; our homes, our cities, and country. We still live in the same world that would hate colored people, that would burn villages, rape and exterminate an entire community, so what makes you think that none of these burdens can happen to you? And because of many people understanding these facts and realities, we, to this day, do not experience our homelands being used as warzones and bloodsheds. In the end, North Korea is just another issue in society. We must realize that there are so many problems because of our ignorance, so it is vital to complete our destinies as humans and act.

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